Chemotherapy protocols #1
For patients in whom an anthracycline-taxane regimen is contraindicated, cyclophosphamide-methotrexate-fluorouracil (CMF) with oral cyclophosphamide is an acceptable chemotherapy alternative.
For patients in whom anthracycline-taxane is contraindicated, cyclophosphamide-methotrexatefluorouracil (with oral cyclophosphamide) is an acceptable chemotherapy alternative to doxorubicincyclophosphamide. Of Note, the ASCO Panel recommends classic cyclophosphamide-methotrexatefluorouracil (oral cyclophosphamide days 1 to 14 with IV cyclophosphamide-methotrexate-fluorouracil days 1 and 8, repeated once every 28 days for six cycles) as the default adjuvant cyclophosphamide-methotrexatefluorouracil regimen. However, the Panel also recognizes that an all-IV cyclophosphamidemethotrexate- fluorouracil regimen once every 21 days is often used in clinical practice and was accepted by some clinical trials (eg, TAILORx) on the basis of its convenience and tolerability despite absence of efficacy data from randomized controlled trials
How this guidance was developed
This recommendation was adapted from the ASCO 2016 guidelines (US). The source recommendation was based on a systematic review of the evidence conducted to July 2015 and was not graded by the source guideline authors. The source recommendation was simplified by removal of the details of specific chemotherapy regimens.
Chemotherapy protocols #1
For patients in whom an anthracycline-taxane regimen is contraindicated, cyclophosphamide-methotrexate-fluorouracil (CMF) with oral cyclophosphamide is an acceptable chemotherapy alternative.
This recommendation was adapted from the ASCO 2016 guidelines (US). The source recommendation was based on a systematic review of the evidence conducted to July 2015 and was not graded by the source guideline authors. The source recommendation was simplified by removal of the details of specific chemotherapy regimens.