Healthy lifestyle advice – General
Advise all patients with breast cancer that a healthy lifestyle is associated with a lower risk of recurrence and improved survival. Discuss how a healthy lifestyle includes achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, limiting alcohol intake, cessation of smoking and undertaking regular physical activity.
Advise people with breast cancer that a healthy lifestyle is associated with a lower risk of recurrence, and that this should include: achieving and maintaining a healthy weight (see the NICE guidelines on preventing excess weight gain and obesity); limiting alcohol intake to below 5 units per week and; regular physical activity (see the NICE guideline on physical activity for adults)
Useful Links
- Lifestyle risk factors and the primary prevention of Cancer 2015 (Cancer Australia position statement)
- Australia’s Physical activity and sedentary behaviour guidelines and the Australian 24-hour movement guidelines
- The Australian Dietary Guidelines
- Australian Healthy Weight Guide
- Australian Department of Health information on ‘Alcohol’
How this guidance was developed
This recommendation was adapted from the NICE 2018 guidelines (UK). The source recommendation is based on a systematic review of the evidence conducted to September 2017 and used wording (‘Advise’) indicative of a strong recommendation by the source guideline authors. The source recommendation was adapted by removal of some of the detail and instead providing links to relevant Australian guidelines for this detail.
Healthy lifestyle advice – General
Advise all patients with breast cancer that a healthy lifestyle is associated with a lower risk of recurrence and improved survival. Discuss how a healthy lifestyle includes achieving and maintaining a healthy weight, limiting alcohol intake, cessation of smoking and undertaking regular physical activity.
Useful Links
This recommendation was adapted from the NICE 2018 guidelines (UK). The source recommendation is based on a systematic review of the evidence conducted to September 2017 and used wording (‘Advise’) indicative of a strong recommendation by the source guideline authors. The source recommendation was adapted by removal of some of the detail and instead providing links to relevant Australian guidelines for this detail.