Psychosocial assessment – High risk


Psychosocial assessment – High risk

A detailed psychosocial assessment should be undertaken for patients at a higher risk of depression, e.g. patients with a history of mental health issues, patients with caring responsibilities, patients under financial stress, young patients, and those with multiple stressors.

How this guidance was developed

This recommendation was adapted from the ACS/ASCO 2016 guidelines (US). The source recommendation was based on a systematic review of the evidence conducted to April 2015 and was not graded by the source guideline authors. The source recommendation was simplified, and language used that is applicable to the Australian health care context.

Psychosocial assessment – High risk


A detailed psychosocial assessment should be undertaken for patients at a higher risk of depression, e.g. patients with a history of mental health issues, patients with caring responsibilities, patients under financial stress, young patients, and those with multiple stressors.

Principles in action
Patient-centred care
Supportive care

This recommendation was adapted from the ACS/ASCO 2016 guidelines (US). The source recommendation was based on a systematic review of the evidence conducted to April 2015 and was not graded by the source guideline authors. The source recommendation was simplified, and language used that is applicable to the Australian health care context.