In patients who have undergone breast-conserving surgery and who are at high risk of local recurrence (age ≤50 years with any grade, age 51-70 years with higher grade, or a positive margin), offer radiation therapy boost following whole-breast radiation therapy.
13 October 2020 -
Discuss the benefits and risks of omitting radiation therapy after breast-conserving surgery in women over 70 years of age with very low risk of local recurrence and who are suitable and willing to take endocrine therapy for five years.
13 October 2020 -
Primary endocrine therapy (endocrine therapy alone without surgery) should only be offered to older patients with ER-positive tumours who have a short-estimated life expectancy (<2–3 years), who are considered unfit for surgery after optimisation of comorbid medical conditions, or who decline surgery. The involvement of a geriatrician is strongly recommended to estimate life expectancy and guide management of reversible comorbidities. It is reasonable to choose tamoxifen, or an aromatase inhibitor based on potential side-effects.
15 October 2020 -
Omission of adjuvant endocrine therapy is an option for older patients with a very low risk tumour (pT1aN0) or those with life-limiting comorbidities.
15 October 2020 -
A screening geriatric assessment is a reasonable first step in identifying patients who may benefit from an extended comprehensive geriatric assessment.
07 April 2021 -
Offer a hypofractionated course of radiation therapy to women with breast cancer who have undergone breast-conserving surgery with clear surgical margins and who require post-operative whole breast radiation therapy.
13 October 2020 -
If cognitive impairment in association with breast cancer or its treatment is suspected, assess for and treat reversible contributing factors (e.g. thyroid dysfunction), discuss coping strategies, and offer referral to an appropriate health professional (geriatrician, neurologist, psychiatrist or psychologist) experienced in the assessment and management of cognitive impairment.
13 October 2020 -
Practice Point
Close and early collaboration between oncologists and cardiologists is recommended for those patients that require treatment with a potentially cardiotoxic treatment, particularly in the context of existing cardiovascular disease or multiple cardiovascular risk factors.
07 April 2021 -
Generally, age alone should not dictate treatment decisions, however all management decisions for an older patient should consider life expectancy; potential risks versus absolute benefits; treatment tolerance; patient preferences; potential barriers to treatment; polypharmacy; and assessment of functional status, comorbidities, falls, depression, cognition, nutritional status and social situation.
09 October 2020